About to celebrate 30 years of career, Thiago Fragoso shakes the web with rock tribute project

published: 02.23.2021 Source - CARAS

In an exclusive interview with CARAS Digital, Thiago Fragoso talks about his strong relationship with music and his current rock tribute project

Over the years, Thiago Fragoso’s talent has guaranteed a space reserved for the actor in the hearts of many Brazilians!

About to complete three decades of the beginning of his artistic trajectory, he decided to bet on one of his great passions to elaborate an extremely special project of tribute to rock.

In response to his fans’ requests for a live musical, Thiago gathered his band to record 12 remarkable songs, which were transformed into a series of videos for Instagram.

In an exclusive interview with CARAS Digital, the artist told a little about his strong connection with music, also addressing some peculiarities of his life moment and the production process of this new project.

” My relationship with music comes from a very early age, I started singing in a choir at the age of seven. My parents played guitar for us, the first professional show I did was a musical … Music was always present for me. And I am dedicated to this because the music routine is something I enjoy! I don’t mind having to go to the sound shop, wait for the show, travel doing the show, stay braided in the studio … I love this routine ”, said Thiago, who even could count on music as a real differentiator in some moments of your career. “Music has given me some protagonists in musicals, participation in programs where I had to sing, I have already recorded music on movie and series tracks … My love for music has always been maintained throughout my acting career”, he pointed out. .

This true constant passion, added to the current text, ended up boosting the production of this special series: ” For some time I have been preparing an album with authorial songs and I released my first single at the end of 2019, with the song Recomeço. At the beginning of last year, I was already planning to release the other songs when the pandemic came and ended up interrupting the plans, we had our second sun, Martin and we dedicated ourselves entirely to that moment. In the meantime, I have been slowly resuming the album project and the fans started asking for a live musical, so that was the way I found to meet these requests and meet again with the band in the studios. It was quite challenging because of the current moment, with all the protocols that needed to be followed, but I am very happy with the result and the return that I have been having, ” he said.

” Being away from the stage and the studio for so long and having postponed the release of my album due to the pandemic, impelled me to develop this project, not to mention, of course, that the requests of the fans motivated me a lot to put everything on its feet ”, he added, also talking about his musical influences and the choice of pop and rock as the genres that led the project’s repertoire.

” I like to mix rock and pop … Although the whole outfit is usually heavier than the originals, I think it’s cool to mix songs where we play something similar to the first version with other songs where we propose a version one little different. The repertoire ends up being a combination of songs that deeply move me with others that I know are dear to the public. I’m going to try to balance it that way, ” he said, who grew up listening to Legião Urbana, Caetano Veloso and big names in international rock that made him immerse himself in this world in his adult life, seeking inspiration in bands like Oasis, Guns N ‘Roses, Radiohead , Nirvana, U2 and later, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, The Killers and Queens of The Stone Age.

Thiago showed to be extremely happy with the public’s reaction to the videos already shared. ” The reaction has been very positive and has motivated me to extend the project. I’m already getting organized to record a second wave of songs. The intention is to be able to have a new song a week throughout the year 2021, ” he revealed.

Finally, the actor spoke a little about his current life moment, also addressing some of his plans for the future: ” It has been a special moment for me, this full year 30 years of career and 40 years old, so I have been preparing some cool things to show to the public that has been with me for so long. I intend to release my next single in the second semester and also an EP with authorial songs and some reinterpretations. And of course, as soon as the pandemic leaves I will go back to doing shows, ” he said.